Artist Saving Animals

Through this Blog we wish to show our paintings and offer them for sale, 20% of all sales will be donated to an Animal Rescue/adoption agency.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Late Mr. Dudley

For quite a while now I have been thinking about using the art I paint to help toward Animal Rescue. We had a good friend called Dudley our faithful companion we adopted him from a local shelter: Ann & Pete's in Pottageville, Ontario

It proved to be one of the best things we have done for our life.

Dudley a very energetic curly tailed A-type dog decided we needed to keep fit. Many, many walks ensued over 9 years, unfortunately we found he had managed to drink some contaminated water which destroyed his kidneys and we couldn't save him, this happened over a year ago.
So in his memory I thought painting a dog who needs to be rescued would give me satisfaction and selling paintings would be my way of paying back the time we had with Dudley.


1 comment:

  1. What a nice idea.I know all animal rescues need the money because often the animal rescued need a lot of vet treatment before they can be adopted out.
    This painting of Dudley is lovely and there are loads of rescue dogs that would just love to have their portrait painted.
