Artist Saving Animals

Through this Blog we wish to show our paintings and offer them for sale, 20% of all sales will be donated to an Animal Rescue/adoption agency.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


After several months of running three blogs we are combining them all into one so from now on we will be here:

See you there!

Monday, August 20, 2012


8x10 oil on board
I saw this lovely little dog and his face says "paint me" so I did, and he was a great pleasure to paint!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


"Guiness" 8x8 oil on board
Guiness is listed on the Bullies in need Website:

He found a home and then has been returned after many years.
Lets hope he finds a new owner soon to cheer up those sad eyes!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


"Cleo" 8x8 oil on board
A gift for a friend, Cleo was a very loved dog, but unfortunately she passed away last year

Saturday, July 21, 2012


"Dexter" 8x8 oil on board A commission
From a photo by Rachel, a surpise gift for a close friend.
Dexter is saying "I don't like having my photo taken but go ahead if it's for a painting"
Lovely picture to paint though the values were quite a challenge.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Zoe, the Husky

"Zoe" 8x8 oil on board
A lovely bright female husky in the loveing care of one of our neighbours. A dog that is loved, walked brushed and well fed.
A joy to paint

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


"Squirt" oil on board 8x10
A lovely little fellow who lives on our street in a very loving home!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Poppy & Eden

Eden 8x10 oil on board

Poppy 8x8 oil on board
Both these cats are up for adoption at the North Halton Kitten Rescue.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Scruff The Cairn Terrier

"Scruff" 8x10 oil on board
A joy to paint was Scruff, so full of life. 

From the web site: "Meet Scruff who turned 2 yrs old in January, 2012. His foster mom says "he is just a lovely dog and no problem at all. He certainly isn't vicious, just a fun loving happy little guy. We set the rules in the house and he is following them. He happily greets anyone who comes in the house, and loves to be stroked and scratched..."
See more info here:


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


"Nola" 8x10 oil on board
Nola is in a very good home and he's a lovely dog with a lovely owner.
The original photo was taken at night so it took me some time to see him properly but I think I got there in the end!


Saturday, April 21, 2012


"Westie" Oil on board 8x8
"Westie", a West Highland White Terrier, a delightful intelligent dog, which was a joy to paint.
More information on Westies can be found here:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


"Nate"  rescue dog, 8x8 oil on board
Another lovely dog to paint, such curiosity in his eye and definitely ready to go.
Once again another waiting to be adopted from Bullies in need.

They describe him :

"I'm a teenager, but I am as handsome and sophisticated as Sean Connery was playing James Bond. I fit in with the young crowd (I love happy people) and I fit in to the Bingo playing crowd (I love yelling Bingo and I love nap time!). Basically, I can be happy almost anywhere I am great with dogs, though I do like to play, and I am pretty good with cats that like dogs. I can be a bit needy at time, so I am looking for an owner who will take me to class so we can both learn together about how to have a healthy understanding of expectations (and also so I can be praised and meet new people) I am up for adoption out East, as my foster mom is going to school in Nova Scotia. If you're looking for a charming boy to share your days with (and your home and heart!) then be quick about it and apply for ME! "
More info here:

Monday, April 16, 2012


"Sushi" 8x10 oil on board
More info here:

A delightful puppy just full of life a great pleasure to paint!
To quote from the Bullies in Need website:
"Lots of sugar and Lots of spice make everything about this little pup really quite nice! Sushi is a confident and sassy pup who likes to wrestle wrestle wrestle with other dogs and even her people too."


Saturday, March 24, 2012


"Huck" 8x8 oil on board
Huck was a delight to paint, I found him on the Web site for Hart Animal Rescue
He is featured here:
Pathfinder Adoptable Dog

Here is what they say:

"Meet Huck, a charming hound mix that is looking for a special home to call his own.

Huck has come a long way since his initial intake to HART foster care. He was just over a year old when removed from a local pound...2 bullet fragments in his broken hip, suffering severe pneumonia...Huck was advertised for adoption by the pound as "ready to hunt". 

Early days in foster care Huck exhibited severe Post Traumatic Shock. He hid from all things human, having known only the worst of people. Fear ruled his existence and for some weeks prevented other than very limited progress.

Comprehensive vet care, good food, a warm bed and the gentle touch of loving foster guardian hands eventually convinced Huck that life could be good. Steadily Huck returned to confidence, loving the company of his 3 dog pack. In fact he enjoys all other dogs, playing with them gently as they have visited his foster..."

More info is available on the website


Friday, March 16, 2012

Two more dogs

"Aren't I sweet!" 8x10 oil on board
This is another rescue dog, and now has a happy home in Schomberg with his mate of the same breed and his owner Rachel.
"Guilty" 8x10 oil on board

He is embarrassed having just stolen and eaten 30 lemon tarts. 
Now I'm starting a practice series of horse pictures.
I'm really appreciative of the dog commissions that keep coming in thank you!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Auction by Bullies in Need

Check out my Paintings on this auction by Bullies in Need:

Breaking News
My paintings brought in $130 all of which goes to "Bullies in Need"
Thanks to all!

The auction is on till March 10 at 5pm.
Bullies in Need rescues Bull dogs and Pit Bulls and tries to get them into a location in North America where they are not banned as they are in Ontario.



Friday, February 17, 2012

Woody The Working Dog

"Woody" 8x10 Oil on board
Woody the Working Dog 

Woody is well known in Schomberg,  especially by the guys who work with wood! 
Woody works as a Greeter for our local Rona, he arrives first thing in the morning with his best Buddy & Boss Al. 
He takes his job very seriously, walking with Al opening up for the day trotting around quite happily, he waits outside for the doors to open to start his day. Usually lying near the office and waiting for the first customer to greet. 
He is now 14 years old and has a little arthritis so he is slowing down a little but always manages to check out the order standing by for any help he can give.
He starts the day off right for many customers who will always have a quick hello and even better reward of a pat. 
He does have Breaks occasionally, often you can see him out on Main Street checking out the Post Office if he's lucky gets a little treat or he trots back home maybe for a nap.


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cat Commissions

It has been a week of Cat paintings (plus one horse but that will be another posting). One of the problems with all these pet portraits is the photographs are always of less that perfect quality so I have to use my imagination a little bit!
I hope it works OK

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sheldon Looks a Lot Better!

Sheldon after his operation
A painting done when he was quite sick

Sheldon has recovered from his fever and operation, and looks a very happy young chap, with bright eyes and looking playful. Just waiting for a family  of his own to love.
More info here:

Thanks to Erika Longman for the photo!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


"Sarge" 8x8 oil on board

Sarge is on the website "Helping Lost Pets" he was lost in Bracebridge Ontario, but has a microchip indicating he was originally from UK!

Painting him was quite a challenge because of the predominance of white, it required a lot of subtle colour mixing to get the values close.
I painted him several days ago and wasn't satisfied but this morning I looked again and felt happier!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


"Sheldon" 8x8 oil on board
Sheldon is with the Northern Ontario Animal Welfare Society
"Sheldon: Male shepherd/wolfhound mix, will be neutered and receive shots. One year old. Approx. 60-65 lbs. He is very friendly and loves to play games and snuggle up to your feet. For information on Sheldon email"

Saturday, January 14, 2012


"Rolf" 8x10 oil on board
To quote from Ann & Pete's Foster Home: "Rolf is a 1 year neutered male Rough Collie/Collie mix, a dog of considerable appeal and with the ability to attract converts to the wonders of mixed parentage"
Check here for more info:
Ann & Pete's Foster home 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Nemo" 8x10 oil on board

Nemo is with the "Bullies in Need" he is about 7 months old.
"Bert" 8x10 oil on board
Bert is also with "Bullies in Need" he is 11 months old.

"Cameron" 8x10 oil on board

Cameron is with Ann & Pete's foster home heis a 10 month neutered male medium sized 40lb Labrador/Collie probably mixed with a smaller breed. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012


"Ryesa" 8x8 oil on board
Ryesa is with the "Bullies in Need" a Rescue dedicated to Pit Bull type dogs that are banned in Ontario

They say of Ryesa: "... is the perfect blend of Princess and Tomboy...with a dash of class clown! Ryesa loves to get prettied up, from wearing tutus to jumping in on her foster brothers' baths. She loves her beauty sleep, especially if she has someone to snuggle with. She knows just how to use her cute face to charm everyone she meets and her enthusiasm for making new friends shows."
More info here: Ryesa